In 2001, 911 happened, and Israel was waiting in the wings with all the technology required - before - and after. And now, Covid 19, Israel is waiting in the wings with technology, vaccines and expertise.
Israel is filled with old Soviet scientists and their kids and a large portion of Russian GRU sleepers who poured in in the late 1970's - but well before that also.
Their kids now head up the largest tech corporations in the world under Israeli military intelligence corporate placement programs. Most of them do not even identify as "Jewish".
Flight Captain Dan Hanley and I discuss Israeli dual national Dov Zakheim's role in 911 along with Michael Chertoff and the modification of aircraft and electronic un-interuptable auto pilot systems.
This series is about placing 911 in the context of the long planned Israel, Russia and China "Belt And Road" project. Using US military power to do the dirty work of breaking up the region for the benefit of Israel, Russia and China.