Thursday, May 20, 2021


Post by : Testing Area | Date : May 20, 2021 | Series :

The SOLARWIND hacks continue to reverberate as the United States - and the planet - is prepared for war with China, or, the "appearance of a war" and accompanying Covid Like shutdowns based on "cyber attacks".

Just like before the 911 attacks, "Muslim terrorism" and Osama Bin Laden was pushed night and day - now cyber terrorism and a deadly virus is pushed night and day. The narrative is set in motion.

A wealth of experts attend the internet. Catherine Austin Fitts “stars” in a new, badly made doco on current events. A former “insider”, Wall Street finance and Bush JNR administration operative, she NEVER names the culprits. To her, it is a “mystery” and she uses the term “Mr Globalist” to make sure you never learn who runs the show either. She talks a good talk on the JEDI Pentagon Cloud Contract then fails to tell you Microsoft Israel has the contract, a hostile foreign power in bed with Russia and China – if we don’t name it, we can’t fight it.

The video gets 2.5 million views before being taken down for “violating You Tubes Terms Of Service”. No doubt the makers will scream “poisecution” at being actively promoted by Army Intelligence DARPA You Tube, to the tune of 2.5 million views in two weeks. Like the Lizard Theorist David Icke, BANNED from online, but actively promoted world wide by every news agency known to man – tens of millions in worldwide publicity you could never buy. The same technique is used to push Alex Jones, the sworn enemy of the never named “globalist” elite who swear they will take him down as he turns over millions of dollars a month and buys his investment properties and travels first class everywhere. His travel now is on private jets with Deep State Operator Roger Stone. Stone is a longtime employee of Dynology and General Jim Jones, Marine Psychological Warfare. The Clown Show remains blind, deaf, and most certainly dumb.

All the real organic commentators are gone. Chased offline. Shut down like a small business in America, while Wal Mart and 711’s take over. Israel is at the heart of the subversion of the United States. They have been named 100 times by top level people including Col. Larry Wilkerson, 2IC to General Colin Powel, former CIA Phil Giraldi and a host of others. But the DARPA promoted Wal Marts of the alt media “Fitts” will not say it – but they get 2.5 million views and accolades by the clueless online clown show and the thousands of private army intelligence operatives who promote them.

