Thursday, May 20, 2021


Post by : Testing Area | Date : May 20, 2021 | Series :

While you were hyperventilating over 5G wigig, corona, Fabian Socialist threats of forced vaccination - war is quietly being prepared in the South China Sea. Is Trumps recent promise to "mobilize the military for vaccination" really about mobilizing the military for martial law in the United States and war over seas?

TSMC is promising to build $11 billion in CPU and GPU fabrication in Arizona to replace the disaster that is Intel - thanks Israel and Russia. Taiwan Semiconductor is 100 miles from China. The 4th industrial revolution tool shed, next door to China. Is it possible the US military technology juggernaut will take out Chinese high tech? Will Taiwan Semi Conductor (TSMC) get accidentally hit and put out of action? Lucky break for Intel.

Printing money is fine when there is massive over production. The resultant trade dislocation from war near the Straights of Malacca and China factories shutting down, mean factory production plummets and hyper inflation sets in - lotsa "stuff" to buy. The centralization of food production and distribution begins - ala Stalin. This is c-o-n-t-r-o-l.

Corona Mark II rolls out in the Middle East - Israel MUST expand its borders or die. It will not let this crisis go to waste.

Trump is not "helpless" fighting the Deep State, he is in on it. He can ORDER via Executive Order the tech companies to cease censorship. He can order the opening of the US economy. He can do as he pleases just Like Obama signed Executive Order after Executive Order. The Trump administration chooses not to. The Trump administration will say one thing and do another. The private billionaire club data analytic companies will provide the talking points and timing of events...we will be played like a fine Stradivarius violin - & you will assist with your endless online inputs.

By Christmas it should all be over, and in true Fabian Socialist style, you will accept happily The Fed crypto app that will track you as surely as the Covid vaccination app. The forced vaccination threat will be'll accept the Fabian Socialist deal. Trump may even be said to be a hero - taking down the CCP beast. Bringing manufacturing back to North and South America. Pulling out troops from the Middle East...letting Russian troops in to protect Israel & keep the Arabs in their place. Life may actually be good next year. New technology releases. Greater US co-operation with the blessing unto the nations Israel. Israel Russia & a new China will handle the UN Habitat Smart Cities program in the Middle East and Asia - gotta get those pesky Ayyyrabs and Asians vaccinated and with 2 kids in their small VR 5G drone delivery apartment.

Central and South America will do well - new factories - for now. Till the robots come. A new standard of living and the UN Habitat Smart Cities program will un fold there.

Maybe a Cold War 2.0 with Eurasia...they have robots and drones, the US military needs them too. And out they roll onto the streets.

You had ten years to lobby the military, policing and political class directly. You could have organized meetings...but the internet is way more fun with more smiley faces. The military is always the key.

